Travel junkie. Avocado lover. Tomboy chic.

Summer Fun with SwimWays Spring Floats

This post was sponsored by SwimWays as part of an Influencer Activation for Influence Central and all opinions expressed in my post are my own.


swimways spring float review, the beauty beau

With Texas winters being short and summers being the longest, there are plenty of occasions where we just want to chill beside, to in the pool. It’s just one of the many therapeutic ways to enjoy a hot summer day and stay cool at the same time. The SwimWays Spring Floats make it much easier to relax to only because they’re floats, but because they’re large enough to fully stretch out and lounge in the water, no matter your age! ๐Ÿ˜


swimways review, Candace Hampton
swimways pool float review

One of my favorite Spring Floats from SwimWays is the Spring Float Recliner. You can not only sit inside the mesh seat and float, but it also has back support, in which you can recline backwards (hence the name). It even has a built-in ottoman for your feet and a cup holder for your favorite drink. It truly has it all!


swimways Original Spring Float review
swimways Papasan Float review

The Original Spring Floatsย are another great choice for your summer chill moment. They’re a staple and have a soft cooling mesh bed that cradles your body, somewhat like an oversized pillow. It helps keep you cool on those hot summer days by floating you above the slightest amount of water. If you want to fully stretch out with no cares in the world, this Spring Float is for you!


swimways The Spring Float Recliner review

If you want to feel arms wrapped around you while relaxing in the pool, it’s made possible with theย Huggables Spring Floats. They literally give you a bear hug while fully supporting you!


swimways pool float review
best pool floats for summer
swimways springfloat review

SwimWays are made for water lovers by water lovers. They’re perfect for family, friends, and pets to all hang out together and enjoy. My stepson and I truly enjoy floating around on our Spring Floats. They are comfortable and you can almost fall asleep on them, but don’t try it! They are like life-size pillows! Float On this summer with SwimWays and escape the everyday, making this year one to remember. You can find the SwimWays Spring Floats at Target, Amazon, or Walmart. Happy Floating!


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14 responses to “Summer Fun with SwimWays Spring Floats”

  1. Katie Lam says:

    Love a float like this, thanks for sharing your review on it.

  2. GiGi Eats says:

    I FRIGGIN’ LOVE FLOATS! Definitely going to look into this floatie brand! haha! Bring it on summer!!

  3. chad says:

    oh these are so cool!!! I would love to get the float, that would be so awesome…

  4. How cute are these floats. Pretty way to chill in your own pool when beach might not be an options.

  5. Jennifer Prince says:

    I love that pool!! It looks like a dream. And that bear float is oh so cute. What a fun way to spend the day!

  6. norma says:

    Those floats seem fire. I would love to get some.

  7. Suman Doogar says:

    So cool! I wish I had a home pool. The summer is getting worse by the day, would have loved to spend time inside the pool.

  8. Sophia says:

    These floats look so fun! I wish I had a pool and I would def be purchasing these.

  9. WorldInEyes says:

    it seems to be very interesting and amazing experience with them..that bear looks so damn cute and lovely..Thanks for sharing your experience..Great work..

  10. Alisha says:

    Superb Blog I found it really amazing.

  11. Ceci Rey says:

    I am obsessed with the teddy bear float! My daughters would be amazed if we brought that to our pool! ๐Ÿ•๐Ÿ‘“๐Ÿšข

  12. Lyosha says:

    I think it’s fun! pool time with inflatable stuff sounds super fun to me. and very cute too. and Totally instagrammable

  13. kileen says:

    omg these floats are so fun!


  14. I’m so ready to go swimming / chilling at the pool now after reading this post! such a cute floatie ๐Ÿ™‚ Happy 4th!
    xo Samantha

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